it's 04.43am, through hazy hungover eyes I relentlessly
scroll down the news feed in hope of stumbling upon something of interest ,of
worth, yet again I'm faced with superficial statuses that leave me feeling
nothing but frustration and distain towards society and what we have all
become. Drastic maybe but true for me nonetheless. Just think of all the
knowledge, now I don't mean updates on people we don't really knows holidays, I
mean real factual knowledge that will inspire us in ways that we never thought
imaginable we could consume if we didn't spend so much time on facebook, absorbing
often pointless, drivel by undereducated (myself included)of pretentious
(myself included) teenagers.
When a sibling replies to an update of the day with ' I know
already, I've seen it on facebook' I think that's when I really sat up and
questioned the power of this website, because if we strip it back, that's what
it is, just a website. I don't want to be constantly updated on my best friend’s
lives let alone people that I've met once or sometimes not even at all! I would
rather sit down face to face and talk, catch up like they used to, heck even as archaic as
it may be even an email would be more enjoyable, something tailored to you.
Being a budding scriptwriter I really feel we have lost the capability to tell
stories, and tell them well, whole experiences are summed up into statuses or
captions.I'm going to challenge myself to have a facebook free summer, see how much I can read, learn and enjoy without hundreds of opinions clouding my sight. This will be a test for me, who actually wants to contact me, and who
will really invest their time to tell me what they've been doing recently
instead of expecting me to just peruse their life online.
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