'orrible yet optimistic .

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I don't mind if you despise this blog,yes it's great if you enjoy it, but rather selfishly, it's for me.It's oddly comforting knowing that my little opinion is floating around in cybersapce and will always be here.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

bearing the weight of adulthood, or not.

On our( I find it very odd saying 'my' birthday, as I've always shared it) my sister and I both got a lump sum of money from our parents, my sister is putting it towards her summer drama course and I'm hoping to splash it on my travels in July! (far too excited about going away for a month, I must try and focus and get these blasted exams done, and done well).

Anyway on our birthday I bravely went into the bank and got my own bank account set up (wheey adult points) I also went to the phone shop and sorted out my own phone, with my own contract, with my own money (kerching,adult point overload ). On the evening of our birthday my sister and I had a Chinese meal with the family where we were given a bottle of champagne each (hoorrah even more adult points) however once I had shaken the bottle, to the dismay of my father " you're going to smash the conservatory roof" is still ringing in my ears, I tried forcing the top of, the anticipation was insane but was soon diffused as I realised the bottle was in fact a screw top! ( major loss of adult points).

After the meal we necked the champagne, setting ourselves up nicely for the events that followed. We went to Snobs in Birmingham, I'd love to say I remembered the whole night but that would be a lie. I vividly remember dancing like a total lunatic with 3 other looney mates in the 80's room, whilst receiving a lovely batch of peculiar looks from the surrounding dancers. I thrived off it! Snobs is now one of my favourite places to go. We went to Propaganda (at the o2 academy) on the Friday after as well, that was as equally as good, with the following morning being equally as bad.

It's really odd now, being an 'adult' you almost feel as if you have to be responsible and mature. When I was younger all I ever want to be was an adult, now I'm that, there is nothing more I want than to be a child again. typical ay.

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